Círculo de Poder y Control (Spanish)
Power and Control Wheel for Spanish Speaking...
Showing results 11-20 of 24
Power and Control Wheel for Spanish Speaking...
Information pertaining to sexual violence in postcard-size format written in...
Website with a number of resources and information related to experiences of gender-based violence within the Jewish...
Website contains a number of information sheets containing general information about domestic and sexual violence. Additional information is provided for advocates within religious...
The website covers statistics related to experiences of sexual violence in the LGTBQ community. Several resources are provided for...
K. Crenshaw addresses how contemporary feminism and antiracist discourse have lacked consideration for intersectional identities. She explores the role of gender and race in relation to violence against women and highlights...
The website outlines the task forces established by the military and provides links to the reports produced by each. Additionally is outlines military/civilian demonstration efforts and how the military supports...
The 2-page fact sheet offers basic information on the impacts of natual disasters as related to sexual violence. It inclues information related to reporting as well as responding to sexual...
The website provides a variety of important information and resources pertaining to the criminal justice process and community responses to sexual...
Created by the Center for Court Innovation, this document offers a set of strategies for supporting clients in court via self-representation. It provides a roadmap of steps that serve to empower...